we are

avenue 44

Forging a new production environment that prioritizes care, process and collaboration.

our story

Avenue 44 Productions is the creation of Liz Komroy and Colin Gillooly in early 2020 during the COVID-19 shutdowns in Los Angeles.

With plenty of time together in quarantine, the two pondered how they could start a production company, but with a new approach. Learning from the good and the bad, while adjusting to the new normal.

Up until this point, Liz had been a freelance producer for nearly ten years, seeing many ways that productions could be more efficient and cost effective, while sill maintaining a premium and fun experience for all on set. Colin spent most of his career building men’s fashion brands and consumer products. He saw the similarities between fashion and production, and already know how to work within a budget while getting the best results. Not only did they start their own family in 2020, they started a work family at Avenue 44 Productions, where everyone is treated fairly with respect and empowered to do their best as individuals.

Our Mission

We like to make it nice! Everything will be planned to a T, so when we walk on set we can attend to your needs.

We’re here for you! We keep a fun, professional attitude while ensuring we capture all of the content you need!




We execute each project to the highest standard, while minimizing overhead costs, so the value is passed on to the client.




We strive to create a supportive and stress-free working environment both on and off set.




We want to work with like-minded companies and individuals that encourage a similar culture to ours: fun, but hard working!


Every Detail Managed
from Start to Finish.

Full Service production from day 1 until done.

  • budgeting
  • casting
  • payroll
  • COVID compliance and testing coordination
  • permitting
  • location sourcing and management
  • insurance
  • booking crew
  • gear sourcing
  • call sheets, scheduling, production books
  • travel arrangements
  • catering, craft services
  • anything and everything else you need!